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Hacker warnings, Kinect 3D scanning, Flexible screens, Holographic Universe, Large Antimatter Cache, DNA from Space? 

 Listen Now Dr. Future Show 8.09.11


Live from our vacation in Montreal, Quebec, Dr. and Mrs. Future discuss with our guest co-host in KSCO’s new studio, Michael Shane Sigmon, the Future News  of today, including hacker warnings to RIM, Blackberry’s creator, Taliban anti-helicopter strategies, how the Kinect Box is revolutionizing 3D scanning on an archaeological dig, the rise of insanely flexible screens, more evidence of a holographic universe, motion capture in the streets, DNA building blocks from space, a major cache of antimater found, and the world’s largest stop motion animation via cell phone cams.  

As an extra bonus, you’ll also meet Dr. Future’s family, ‘Mother Future’, and ‘Sister Future’.. :-)

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