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Guest - Physicist Poet Dr. Len Anderson

We had a an opportunity to meet Len Anderson last weekend and had a very stimulating conversation on physics and art and various other sundry topics.. simply delightful!  To make a long story short, we invited him to our show this week to share him with you, including his unique Science meets Art poetry.
Len Anderson has a BA and PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley.  He worked for four years in experimental elementary particle physics and nearly 16 years at Measurex Corporation (now part of Honeywell), developing sensors for the automation of paper manufacturing.  He and his wife have lived in Live Oak since 1998.

Len has been writing poetry since 1985 and has studied with Richard Maxwell, Robert Bly, Joseph Stroud, Joseph McNeilly and Sally Ashton.  His work has appeared in a variety of literary journals, anthologies and other publications.  He is a winner of the Dragonfly Press Poetry Competition, the Mary Lönnberg Smith Poetry Award (Cabrillo College), has received a Pushcart nomination from The DMQ Review, and was awarded the 2011 Award for Outstanding Literary Achievement from Dragonfly Press.  He has published two collections of poems, Invented by the Night (2011) and Affection for the Unknowable(2003), both from Hummingbird Press. He has also published a chapbook,BEEP: A Version of the History of the Personal Computer Rendered in Free Verse in the Manner of Howl by Allen Ginsberg.

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