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Interview - Dr. Bruce Lipton on Epigenetics, Health, and the Virus as a Thumb Drive

Listen Now to Dr. Bruce Lipton On The Dr. Mrs. Future Show

Back from 6 months in New Zealand during this Covid crisis, Dr. Lipton explores some of his favorite topics in relation to the virus and mind/body communications.  He characterizes a virus, for example, as equivalent to a thumb drive, not something that is alive, but a mechansim for inserting information into a cell.  During the course of our interview, we look at the Human Genome Project and Big Pharma interests,  resonant biological fields, telepathy, the Matrix as being more a documentary than fiction, electromagnetics and health. 

A masterful communicator, Bruce weaves many stories into a comprehensive meta-story of our times, with  the power of our consciousness to evolve our genes and behavior leading the way.  Enjoy!

EXTRA BONUS - Listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joel Wallach on Epigenetics on KSCO’s Saturday Morning Special 9.19.20 with MZ and The Futures!

L-R Dr.Mrs.Future with Dr. Bruce Lipton at KSCO

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