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Interview - Filmmaker Brett Leonard on the Covid Virtualization of Hollywood

Listen Now to Brett Leonard

Our guest is Brett Leonard, Hollywood film director, producer and music video director specializing in the science fiction and horror genres. A few of his films such as The Lawnmower Man (1992) and Virtuosity (1995) feature groundbreaking computer animation and visual effects. The Lawnmower Man is considered the first, seminal film to feature “virtual reality” as a cautionary tale becoming the number one commercially successful independent film of 1992

Brett Leonard tells us how the entertainment industry is being impacted by Covid-19, and his work in creating a safe secure alternative film-making environments. There is an inflection point of change right now, of what human work and intimacy means as we go more and more into cyberspace.

We have an opportunity to redefine who we are, of how we can create a more perfect union, and define the next chapter of the story of America, freedom and the world.  Brett speaks of world building, creating a virtual uptopia rather than a Skynet dystopia with our technology, and it is a great time for personal contemplation, with media  as a reflection to us of our own consciousness. Enjoy!