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Entries in Higgs Boson (2)


Manning, NSA, Snowden, Lady in Luck last week, BMW i3, food printing, False Memories, and Dr. Charles Buchanan with a Higgs Boson update and other stories from the world of Physics.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 7.30.13

Much going on regarding the evolution of our security state this month, with Manning’s sentencing, the House voting for NSA surveillance and retired CIA operative Robert Seldon Lady ‘disappearing.’

Meanwhile, we have physicist Charles Buchanan in the studio, updating us on the Higgs Boson, the Van Allen Radiation Belts particle accelerator, false memories, and Slinky physics


Our Guest today, Dr. Charles Buchanan on the Higgs Boson research


Listen Now to Dr. Charles Buchanan

Today our guest is Dr. Charles Buchanan, UCLA and Stanford trained high energy particle physicist, who will be discussing the Higgs Boson announcement and it’s significance to us all. He’s a great teacher, and this is a good way to gain some understanding of the topic.

The conversation on the Higgs Boson begins in earnest after a couple of news stories, including one on what we are learning from sequencing the Dolphin Genome.  For more on the news stories and Dr. Buchanon’s background, check out our links page.

Charles Buchanan

Dr. Charles Buchanan