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37 Future Now Show - Sunset paradise, Space News, Apple's M3 gear, Tesla Diner, Peter D & Enlightened AI's?, Curious Refuge Filmmaking, The Swami and Mr. Rough

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We saw the most amazing sunset this last week, setting the tone for today’s show.  There’s a place off of Skyline where you are above the clouds, looking out across a peaceful wispy world, as the sun descends into the Pacific..mmm… Meanwhile Apple has announced their latest and greatest Apple silicon at their “Scarey Fast” event, and our very own Taylor Barcroft brings us up to speed.

Lots of space news this week, with Jeff Bezos revealing his lunar lander, embryos on the ISS, and green living paint to revivify the Martian atmosphere.  And lots of AI evolution, from new video editing tools to Peter Diamandis’s personal AI clone, available to you for querying!  We also have a Tesla diner being constructed in Beverly Hills, combining fast food dining with charging.  Plus the latest from Swami Beyondananda  with Jim Rough on creating a collaboratively wise democracy for us all, something that could make a major difference in our quality of life.  Enjoy!

Tesla diner being built in Beverly Hills


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