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Interview - Drs. HelenĂ© Wahbeh and Arnaud Delorme on their PSI research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences

Listen Now to Drs. Helene Wahbeh and Arnaud Delorme

Can mediums and channelers bring in valuable information? Can the mind directly affect matter? Are we truly Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR Director of Researchconnected to everything?  These are some of the topics we broach today with Institute of Noetic Sciences  scientists, on the eve of their semi-annual convention this year in Santa Clara, CA. Helané Wahbeh is the Director of Research at IONS and Arnaud Delorme is a neuroscientist, currently studying the communications of mediums and channelers. 

An infomative and fun conversation, and if you want to knowArnaud Delorme, PhD research scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences more the IONS 18th International Conference is open to the public. Bonus- if you put in the code “FUTURE” when you register, you get a $75 discount! Hope to see you there!

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