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Entries in google cars (2)


Future News - Maker Faire 2015, AOL/Verizon merger, Ceres Mystery Lights update, Autonomous Car Accidents, an in-game Death Sentence for Hacker, Armed Forces Operation Jade Helm, with special guest mediamakers Shannon and Brett Leonard

Listen Now to Future News 5.12.2015

Lots of juicy Future News this week, and to help us with commentary we have mediamakers Brett Leonard in the studio!  We look at the implications of the AOL/Verizon merger, the latest on the strange lights from dwarf planet Ceres, the interesting world of autonomous cars and the latest reported accidents from Google, the new amazing Occulus VR head gear and how media interpenetrates our experience of reality, death in Cyberspace, and the very curious massive US domestic military operation, Jade Helm, coming this summer.. Enjoy the show!

U.S. Military Operation Jade Helm


Future News - Google Cars Drive in the City, Twitter Pre-Crime, Soft Landing for SpaceX Booster,$100 Million for us for Solar Panels, Ken Adam's new McKenna film "Imaginatrix.", 

Listen Now to Future News 4.29.14

Wow, the autonomous cars just took another step into the expanding present with new sofware allowing them to handle city driving.  That’s a big step, considering how potential accidents can happen with much more frequency than out on the Interstates or suburbs. Anyone willing to ride in a Google robot Taxi? 

And Twitter just might keep us safer with it’s ability to predict crime, provided it’s the right kind of crime. Say what? Tune in..

Filmmaker artist Ken Adams shares a few thoughts with us on the making of his new film “Imaginatrix, The Terence McKenna Experience,” an extremely artistic exploration of the most psychedelic mind ever to speak of such realms. Check out his Kickstarter video teaser..

And amazingly, Google will provide $100 million to contribute to lease financing for thousands of American homeowners to add solar panels to their roof tops and clean energy to their mix. This could be good!