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Entries in Youngevity (2)


Dr. Future News - Autonomous Tesla plans, Internet 2050, New Jetpack, Apple wins in House, Imagination Origins 

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 9.24.13

 Some great stories this week, including a piece from SciAm on how the Internet is getting smarter and will make the borders of the 20th Century obsolete.

We also had a surprise visit from the KSCO’s fearless leader, MZ, with a couple of visitors from the outside:




Cool Day at the Beach with KSCO Cohorts

Show Archive July 13, 2010

The KSCO audience was invited to our Elixer mixer last Saturday, July 10, 2010.. We recorded some of the conversations to share on the show today. Ben Fuchs was in fine form, and we enjoyed Pollen Burst cocktails as we all got acquainted. Sunny helped Agent Sun to prepare tropical fruit salad, and we all enjoyed the healthy Kale salad and other potluck yummies. Local herbalist Paul Gaylonshared some of his private blend amazing international fermented beverages. Stan Weitzman gave everyone present a special deal on his patent-pending “WristOffice” for iPhones and other such devices, a pivoting platform to strap to your wrist.